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ACASA: Where Care Comes to You



Benefits of In-Home Care

ACASA Senior Care extends warm, reliable, and exceptional in-home senior care to Lakewood residents, helping them enjoy the comfort and safety of their own dwellings. Our team, adept and full of empathy, is committed to aiding the seniors and their families within our neighborhood. We facilitate a serene, engaged lifestyle at home, offering assistance with personal care, meal preparations, medication reminders, and much more to our seniors

Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care

The gradual advancement of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia necessitates a supportive network. The devotion of an attentive caregiver from our Lakewood senior care agency forms a crucial part of this nurturing environment. Our reasonably priced and accessible services grant solace and assurance to the seniors and their families in our community. Our carefully selected, compassionate caregivers excel in meal planning, assistance with hygiene and bathing, medication reminders, and appointment management. Rest assured, we stand as a beacon of unmatched dementia care in Lakewood.

  • Get in Touch with Us Today
    Reach out to our team for more information concerning in-home care or details on how to apply for employment with us.

Why Choose Us?

As you venture to find the perfect in-home senior care services in Lakewood for yourself or a family member, consider the following:

  • Do they have the requisite expertise for superior care?
  • Are they reachable when needed?
  • Do they provide compassionate care tailored to your personal requirements?
  • Can they care for you within your budget?

Good news! You have found your destination. ACASA Senior Care is your trusted senior care agency in Lakewood. We are a family-operated establishment that satisfies all these prerequisites and more.

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At ACASA Senior Care, we continually aspire to expand our care family. Engage with us to evaluate your competencies and see if you align with our caregiving standards. Embarking on a caregiving career is fulfilling, allowing you to extend your help to others while enjoying the perks and our nurturing family ambiance.

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Denver Senior Care Services

Medication Call Reminders

Our in-home senior care services in Lakewood provide an invaluable sanctuary of peace of mind, promoting the health and safety of your loved ones. We offer friendly reminders, as many as five times a day, to ensure consistent medication adherence, fostering optimal health. Take advantage of our complimentary alerts and confirmations of medication intakes, coupled with a comprehensive record of medication usage.

ACASA Senior Care in Lakewood facilitates In-Home Assessments: Wellness and Safety Checks, safeguarding the continuous safety and comfort of your loved ones. Stay informed promptly through our rapid-response system.

Setting up and managing all plans is a breeze with our online system for In-Home Assessments in Lakewood!

Medication call reminder